Friday, November 4, 2016

The rain has poured buckets on us here in Western Oregon this October. So wherever I choose to walk on grass or ground I sink and squish. I am not happy with the sogginess, but mushrooms are. I spied a large, orange cap across the church lawn and squelched over to investigate. The warm, wet conditions hatched a batch of very large mushrooms. King boletes are edible and delicious. Raccoons had chawed the largest one mostly to bits, but left a smaller one, a mere 10" across, well enough alone that I could pick it. I dismantled it in my kitchen and set bits to dry in our food dehydrator. The house has a wonderful, rich mushroom smell. I am not fond of grey skies and showers in general, but remembering, from my childhood wanderings, the fun of mushroom hunting in the woods lifts my spirits. When it rains, wonders appear.


  1. I remember Mom's mushroom foraging,and her delight at finding what was, to her a treasure. The most I can claim is a healthy harvest of morels in a neglected flower bed when I lived in Beaverton years ago. Still won't eat fungi of any type, any way, under any circumstances. Just don't like them.

  2. Ah, perhaps you are more fairie than hobbit 🌬, though I remember a certain door with a knob in the middle at a previous residence.
